Mandala + Birth Affirmation Coloring Book (25 pages)


Birth is an inner journey as well as a physical one. This collection of 25 Mandala coloring pages + affirmations is focused on reducing your stress and preparing you for your birth experience. When you have completed them, they are a great decoration for your birth space!

20 pages of mandala coloring pages WITH a birth affirmation
5 pages of blank mandala coloring pages for you to write in your own favorite affirmations

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(c) Kate Pavlovsky — Do not copy or redistribute. You do not have permission to make copies of these to give away, or to share this digital file with anyone who has not purchased this from me. It took me a lot of time to make these, so I would appreciate it if you would refer your friends to this page so they can purchase them for themselves. Thank you!

If you are a birth worker who would like to purchase rights to share these with your clients, contact me at to work something out.